Hex and the City

Hex and the City, by Simon R. Green, is the fourth in the Nightside series.

John Taylor gets hired by Lady Luck herself to hunt down the origins of the Nightside. But there are those that don’t want John prying into the past. Along with his ragtag group of companions, John visits some scary individuals and fights off deadly foes to eventually discover who his real mother is.

This installment is by far the darkest and most violent. But still infused with a wonderful dark humor that is as unique as the Nightside itself. Hex and the City brings in more unique and fun characters, and we get to see deeper into John’s origins. I had to start reading Paths Not Taken, fifth in the series, immediately after finishing this one.

10 thoughts on “Hex and the City”

  1. I read the first one and thought it was pretty good. I hope Green didn’t wait until the fourth book to finally clue us in on John’s past. Though it isn’t unusual for authors to kind of parcel out infomation little by little. This is a fun series though.

  2. They’re very cleverly written!
    I liked the mystery that surrounded John’s past. And I guess there’s still a bit of a mystery… but this 4th book explains a lot.. all at the end in the last few pages.

  3. I didn’t think I’d ever be tempted by a Simon R. Greene book after reading “Deathstalker.” (Ugh.) But, you’re sort-of-almost tempting me.

  4. I don’t think you have all day for me to enumerate the ways. Top on the list, though, would be the constant logical inconsistencies. The book contradicted itself on nearly every other page.

  5. Yeah, you can’t have too much of that in a science fiction book.
    There’s a lot of bizareness in the Nightside series, but I think it only adds to the humor.

  6. I just finished Something from the Nightside. I saw it at Barnes and Noble and remembered your review of this one so I had to pick it up. WOW. It was great, really dark and kind of scary, but really good.

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