8 thoughts on “Heroes TV Guide Covers”

  1. These are cool! Is this a new TV show? Sorry, my overseas ignorance is showing. I’m way behind on US TV, though if you want to ask me about Japanese manga… 🙂 I like 1 and 2, but like everyone else said they’re all great.

  2. Have you been following season 2 of heroes? Tim Kring issued a statement about it’s progression earlier this week. I won’t speak any further for fear of possible spoilers.

    Looks like Kring’s on the picket lines as well, so season 2 will wrap Dec 3 until the writers get come back.

  3. Ok, I should really proofread my comments, I meant to write “…so season 2 will wrap Dec. 3 until the writers come back.” – not “get come back.”

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