Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean

Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean

Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean, by Justin Somper, is the first in a unique series for youth.

After tragedy strikes, teenage twins Connor and Grace Tempest decide to strike out on their own. But they get caught in a storm, their boat capsized. Both are rescued by separate pirate ships. But Grace soon realizes that her rescuers are more than what they seem, and much more frightening.

Connor, a gifted athlete, is taken on as an apprentice aboard the pirate ship The Diablo. The crew warm to him immediately, as he seems suited to the life. But Connor doesn’t agree with the stealing and violence. But his first priority is to find his lost sister, whom he believes is still alive.

Grace, too, hopes more than anything that her brother somehow made it through the storm. And the illusive captain of her rescuer’s ship consoles her that Connor is still alive. But how does he know? And why do they keep her locked in a strange room with bizarre happenings?

Fans of pirates and vampires are in for a special treat, as what could be better than combining the two? Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean, is a fantastic idea and an exciting story of danger and adventure on the high seas. The Vampirates are mysterious and riveting, making the regular pirates pale in comparison. For a swashbuckling good time, be sure to check out this fun series!

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