13 Unfortunate X-Men Costumes

With so many tacky costumes from the early years, this list was a lot of fun to assemble.

1. Cyclops – Those over-the-head hoods with attached goggles are anything but attractive.

2. Banshee – This should be at the top of any costume no-no. In any fight, DO NOT wear a giant bull’s-eye-target, unless you want to get yourself killed.

3. Storm – Flock of Seagulls fan?

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Top 10 Ways To Time Travel

Time travel is probably my favorite subjects in science fiction. And according to some of my favorite shows and movies, these seem like the best way to go about it.

10. Piggyback on the Borg’ time rift. You still have to deal with the Borg once you get there, so maybe that’s not the best option. (Star Trek: First Contact)

9. Invent a time machine that will allow you to possess someone’s body, but only within your own lifetime. (Quantum Leap)

8. Sling shot around the sun. Just don’t burn up in the process. (Star Trek: The Voyage Home)

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13 People to See at Motor City Comic Con

This Michigan-based con is one of my favorite genre conventions of the year. Listed are just some of the guests scheduled to appear at Motor City Comic Con in May. More will be added as the date gets closer. Here are 13 actors and actresses I’m looking forward to seeing: 1. Avery Brooks – “Benjamin … Read more