SciFi Book Review: The Zodiac Legacy: Convergence

The Zodiac Legacy: Convergence by Stan Lee, Stuart Moore, and Andie Tong Synopsis: When twelve magical superpowers are unleashed on the world, a Chinese-America teenager named Steven will be thrown into the middle of an epic global chase. He’ll have to master strange powers, outrun super-powered mercenaries, and unlock the mysterious powers of the Zodiac. … Read more

Fantasy Book Review: First and Last Sorcerer

First and Last Sorcerer by Barb and JC Hendee Synopsis: Waylaid in their quest for the orb of the Air, Magiere, Leesil, Chap, and Wayfarer have all been wrongly imprisoned. But it is Magiere, the dhampir, who suffers the most as a cloaked interrogator employs telepathic torture. Arriving at the Suman port city in search … Read more