13 Reasons Why I Love Snow Days

Since I was snowed-in two days in a row, and really can’t pull anything else together at the last minute… Here are 13 Reasons Why I Love Snow Days:

1. Sleep in!

2. No Work! Though I should probably make up my hours later this week… nah.

3. I get to sit by my warm, cozy (electric) fireplace all day. Nothing beats that after coming in from shoveling the walk… several times. One day, wouldn’t you also like to have your own granite fireplace or something similar to it?

4. Reading. All day. Whenever I feel like it.

5. Lifetime Channel. I got to watch sappy romantic movies all day.

6. Snow. It’s pretty… even when I have to shovel it.. several times.

7. I get to be lazy. Never left the house once. But then, I couldn’t since the plows left waist-deep snow right in front of my garage. (My roomate shoveled that mess!)

8. When else can you just not show up to work, and it’s not a big deal?

9. No traffic. I wasn’t cursing other crazy drivers.. just the snow plows that only plowed half of the lanes.

10. I have 4-wheel drive, so I can still get out if I need to. But why would I want to?

11. I get to take my time having my coffee and eating my meals. No need to worry about break times.

12. I got a good work out by just shoveling. No need to do my stationary bike.

13. And I didn’t have to wear make-up or mess with my hair. No need to look nice when no one’s going to see me!

22 thoughts on “13 Reasons Why I Love Snow Days”

  1. I love snow days, too. Unfortunately, this winter, we’re not likely to get any. We’ve sort of gone from an extended fall to an extended (and very wet and gray) spring.

    It’s having an unexpected day off, when there’s nothing you have to do that’s so nice. For some reason, it’s even better if you’ve already gotten up, looked out the window, seen the snow, and then gone back to bed–more satisfying than finding out the night before and just sleeping in.

  2. I am so jealous about #1 and #4! While we were supposed to be in the path of one of the storms, it missed us completely. And I hate snow, so I’m glad. Still… would have liked a snow day so I could sleep in.

    Happy TT!

  3. I love snow days too, though I never get them anymore. I would love to be able to stay home and read (or write) all day long. I’m very jealous. I had to drive to work this morning in freezing rain. Whoopee!

  4. Argh – trying to comment again. Lost last attempt. Brief resummarizing – Cold ick; good to be reminded of the wonderful things related to winter. Okay – fingers crossed as i hit submit this time….

  5. Now, that’s what I’m talking about!!! This list is so good it could be one of the “annoying” email forwards that get passed around.

    Sweet action!!!

  6. I don’t like cold weather all that much, but I’d be willing to suffer, I think, for a couple of full days of relaxing and reading! Then again, I have two boys–I probably wouldn’t get the chance to do any of that.

    Enjoy it!
    Happy T13!

  7. Lifetime movies? You’re gonna lose your Sci Fi Chick name if you let that kind of stuff be known.

    You could have rewatched the entire Star Trek movie collection or something.

    Just kidding.

    We had a hurricane day last year and they made us make it up. Stupid greedy companies.

  8. I used to love snow when I was younger but these days, it never snows enough for me to get snowed in, so inevitably, I have to drive in it, which I hate! 🙁

  9. I love snow!
    Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
    Thank you for your visit to mine.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Happy TT’ing!
    (“)_ (“)Ã…Â

  10. I one hundred per cent agree with you! I adore snowy days, and I can’t understand all the complaining about freezing temperatures. It hasn’t been above 17 degrees for at least a week, but I find it very refreshing. I much prefer it than summer humidity.

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