DVD Review: Genesis II (1973)

Genesis II

“My name is Dylan Hunt. My story begins the day on which I died.”

After a devastating accident, test subject Hunt (Alex Cord) awakes 154 years in the future. The future is post-apocalyptic, with two races (the Pax and the Tyranians) battling for dominance. Hunt is torn, not knowing who to trust, both races wanting his scientific knowledge of the past. But the beautiful Tyranian mutant (Mariette Hartley) has been anything but truthful about the true nature of her people.

Following on the heels of Star Trek, Genesis II was also created by Gene Roddenberry. And with all of Roddenberry’s conceptions, this story holds a deeper message. Roddenberry’s vision of peace carries over to Genesis II as well. Hunt is from a world that destroys itself with war. The Pax are a peaceful race that have learned from history and want to preserve their way of life. The story is of Hunt’s journey from his past ideals to those of justice and peace.

Despite an obvious 70’s look and feel and dated visual effects, the adventure is still exciting. And the characters are just as vivid. There is plenty of action, suspense, and a bit of romance. Genesis II is thoroughly enjoyable. I had never heard of the film before receiving it for review, but I now count it as a true science fiction classic.