Guest Post: Linda Robertson

Arcane Circle Author Linda Robertson joins us today to talk about her upcoming release – Arcane Circle – and her influences from film and books…

Back in the days before remote controls for TVs, one of my jobs at home was to sit near the television set and crank the dial that changed the channel as necessary. We watched the original Star Trek and Buck Rogers. When Star Wars came out, it blew me away, and by the time The Return of the Jedi arrived at my local theater, I was allowed to go see all by myself. (My first solo movie!) The Gammorean guards and the Rancor monster were soooo cool.

You’re probably wondering what all this has to do with writing. Well, looking back at those younger days, it’s easy to see how Princess Leia and Col. Wilma Deering left an impression. Especially Leia, who didn’t wait for Han and Luke to save her ass. She commandeered the blast-gun and shot open the vent over the garbage chute and got the heck out of the Death Star’s detention area.

Being an avid reader, by high school I’d slid from sci-fi books to fantasy and found the Dragonlance sagas as well as Jennifer Roberson’s Sword Dancer–how I wanted to be sword-slinging Del from Sword Dancer. *sigh* I searched for books with a strong female lead I could root for and look up to, but back then most females in fantasy were secondary characters. So I started writing. I explored a few stories set in space, then leapt to high fantasy. Always, it seemed, my main character was a tough woman with some kind of bad-ass complex and a chip on her shoulder. And always that character came off too stereotypical to be believed, much less rooted for.

Somewhere along the line, I realized what was so great about Leia. Not only could she take care of herself, but she was smart and cunning–and she knew when to step back and let the man be a man. I’ve pulled some of that into Persephone Alcmedi, the heroine in my series. Now, she doesn’t wear her hair in cinnamon buns on her ears, but because of the characters that influenced me, Seph is a well-rounded, likable character and she feels more real.

The fourth in the series, ARCANE CIRCLE, will be available Dec. 28, 2010 and I hope you will check out my series. Thanks so much for having me on the SciFiChick. Cheers! —Linda

Title: Arcane Circle
Author: Linda Robertson
ISBN: 9781439190258
Format: Mass Market Paperbound
Price: $7.99/$9.99 CAN
Imprint: Pocket Books

Even magic can’t solve everything. . . .
After facing down the forces of Fairy in mortal combat, Persephone Alcmedi still must deal with the aftermath. Not only does Seph now possess deadly secrets she must hide from the arcane and mundane world alike, but the dozens of magical creatures who’ve taken up residence behind her cornfield need food and shelter, and there’s still her foster daughter Beverly’s tenth birthday party to plan.
And that’s not all. . . . Seph’s boyfriend Johnny has revealed himself as the wÆrewolf Domn Lup, and the ruler of the wÆre world is en route from Romania to make sure Johnny really is the “king” he claims to be. But Johnny’s hiding a dangerous secret: his magic is locked in his mysterious tattoos. He and Seph must find a way for him to reclaim it—fast—despite those who have no intention of letting Johnny gain his full powers. Seph knows that, in the arcane world, strength is always a necessity and power must be constantly proven, but how far is she willing to go to succeed . . . and at what cost?

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