Adrian Paul – Grand Slam

Still as good looking as ever, isn’t he?
Here’s Adrian Paul and I at last week’s Grand Slam SciFi Convention in California.

And here are some pics of Adrian during his talk. None of them turned out well. The lighting wasn’t great. But he did a great job of speaking and answering fan questions. Of interest to most was his talk of the new Highlander movies, of course. The Source, first in the trilogy, will be heading direct to DVD this fall. Not hitting the theaters, unfortunately.

11 thoughts on “Adrian Paul – Grand Slam”

  1. Great picture. I need to go back and watch all the Highlander episodes I missed along the way. Was never a very faithful viewer but really liked the ones I saw.

  2. WHAT??! You didn’t lay a big ol’ lip lock on that hunk??? Man, after watching all those episodes of Highlander, I sure would of. It would of been worth the stalking charge……

  3. Did you know that there is video of you getting ready to take this picture on youtube? It’s pretty cool.

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