M.D. Benoit Interview

Besides having the privilege to preview M.D. Benoit’s new book Synergy and interview her today, it happens to be a very special day… Happy Birthday, M.D.! Hope you have a great one!

SciFiChick: Describe your upcoming book, Synergy.
Benoit: Here is what the book blurb says:
“Cloning. Accelerated growth of replacement organs. DNA repair. In 2096, all are possible. And forbidden by law. Three people will defy these laws to save the life of eleven-year-old Zelimir, who will die a slow, painful death from a horrifying genetic disease. Zelimir’s father hires Torver Lockwood and Demetria Greyson to find a cure for his son. Both have a personal stake in this illegal research. A cure may help explain why Torver is able to see into people’s pasts and why Demetria has visions about a violent future. But, once developed, the solution could be used as a powerful weapon that can target specific genes. With the chance that the cure may fall into the wrong hands and start a new reign of terror, will Torver keep the secret to himself, at the cost of one small life?”

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BBT Interview

The editors at BBT Magazine were kind enough to offer a review copy of their magazine, as well as an interview with yours truly.

SciFiChick: Tell us a little about BBT.

BBT: BBT Magazine (or Blood, Blade, and Thruster Magazine to the neophyte) is a print magazine that blends speculative fiction & satire.
Think Realms of Fantasy meets The Onion.
Think Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine meets Mad Magazine.
Think Thomas Paine meets The Wolfman.

I’m not sure about that last one, I just like the way it sounded.

SciFiChick: Why speculative fiction and satire?

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The Best Pilots in the Galaxy

Here’s my list of the 13 Best Starship Pilots:

1. Han Solo (from Star Wars) – Easily the best pilot, and he knows it. I’d include Luke too for his X-Wing flying, but he uses The Force. Isn’t that cheating? Would he actually be as good a pilot if he didn’t use The Force?
2. Wash (from Serenity/Firefly) – Joss Whedon created a loveable, funny character in Wash. Then, he killed him.
Oops. That was a spoiler.
Can you tell it upset me?

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