13 Questions with Eric Brown

I reviewed Helix back in June, and recently had the opportunity to interview author Eric Brown!

Check back tomorrow for a giveaway of Helix!

Angela/SciFiChick: For those who haven’t read Helix yet, can you give us a brief synopsis?

Eric Brown: The Earth is failing ecologically and humanity must find another planet to colonise. The European Space Organisation sends a colony ship on a mission to find a suitable Earth-like planet. The ship crash-lands, on what the crew thinks is an uninhabitable, ice-bound planet. However, when the sun comes up, they find they’re on the lowest rung of a vast helix comprising of some ten thousand worlds. To survive they must trek up-spiral to find a clement world. On the way they meet all sorts of alien races, and attempt to discover who built the helix.

Angela: The setting, for the most part, is set on another world(s). Did you have a definite sense of what the Helix looked like when you wrote about it? Or did it reveal itself as you wrote?

EB: The former; it was the first thing that came to me. I was having dinner years ago at a friend’s place, and he had a lamp on the table with a kind of helical beading around a glass cowl. I thought at first it would make a neat space station. Later, it came to me that it would make an interesting planetary setting.

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Penguin Focuses on Roc & Ace

I just received an email from online marketing at Penguin Group. It seems the popular publisher’s blog (http://us.penguingroup.com/static/html/blogs/index.php) is focusing on their science fiction/ fantasy imprints, Roc and Ace over the next four weeks. Check out the behind-the-scenes look at one of the best and most well-known scifi publishers in the biz! UPDATE (thanks to … Read more