Top 13 SciFi/Fantasy Picks of 2007

Having read over 150 books this year, narrowing down my favorites was extremely hard. So I’ve kept the list limited to those published in 2007. Here are my top 13 SciFi/Fantasy picks of 2007:

1. Scent of Shadows: The First Sign of the Zodiac, by Vicki Pettersson
Reviewed here:

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by JK Rowling
Reviewed here:

3. Bitterwood, by James Maxey
Reviewed here:

4. Rebel Fay, by Barb and J.C. Hendee
Reviewed here:

5. Once Bitten, Twice Shy, by Jennifer Rardin
Reviewed here:

6. City of Bones, by Cassandra Clare
Reviewed here:

7. Goblin Hero, by Jim C. Hines
Reviewed here:

8. Project U.L.F., by Stuart Clark
Reviewed here:

9. Demons Are Forever: Confessions of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom, by Julie Kenner
Reviewed here:

10. The Quest for the Trilogy, by Mel Odom
Reviewed here:

11. Gaea: Beyond the Son, by P. D. Gilson
Reviewed here:

12. The Innocent Mage, by Karen Miller
Reviewed here:

13. Star Trek: The Next Generation – Resistance, by J.M. Dillard

14 thoughts on “Top 13 SciFi/Fantasy Picks of 2007”

  1. Did you know that J.M. Dillard wrote historical fiction novels under the name Jeanne Kalogridis? She also has a vampire trilogy under that name.

  2. SMD – Now, I just need to find time to read the sequel!

    Kailana – I didn’t know that. I’m not really familiar with her work.

    David – It is excellent. Hope you enjoy it too!

  3. I have to disagree of Resistance. I read it and found it tepid at best.

    Lost of characters we meet so they can be Borgified or canon fodder by novel’s end.

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