Book Review: Centauriad: Daughter of the Centaurs

Centauriad: Daughter of the Centaurs, by K. K. Ross

Malora is the lone survivor of her village after a gruesome attack of monstrous creatures from the sky. Making her way own, with only her horses as company, she struggles to stay alive and sane with no other known human communities in existence. Suddenly, Malora and her horses are captured by centaurs from the northern lands. The centaurs speak English, but Malora is leery of them, assuming they are the reason her mother told her to stay away from the north. But the centaurs seem civilized and live in luxury that Malora has never known. And Malora is soon forced to integrate into a strange society with its own breed of injustices.

Malora is a strong, courageous and loyal girl. Ross’ fantasy world is fascinating and full of dramatic history and unique creatures. The centaurs are a noble and recently civilized nation with a rich culture, after a bloody battle with humans. And the twani are cat-like creatures that serve the centaurs willingly as their working class. The centaur and twan characters are as complex and diverse as humans. The worldbuilding is incredible and captivating.

First in a promising new series, Daughter of the Centaurs is a fantastic young adult epic fantasy. This impressive story is well-paced with plenty of adventure, drama, and excitement. Enchanting and enthralling from beginning to end, the novel is impossible to put down. Fantasy fans of all ages will enjoy. I didn’t want this one to end, and will be eagerly awaiting a sequel.

Centauriad: Daughter of the Centaurs will release from Random House Books for Young Readers on January 24, 2012.