Book Review: Dead Streets

Dead Streets, by Tim Waggoner

As a private detective and a zombie, Matt Richter has more than his share of enemies. But after Matt is decapitated, he discovers that someone used his body to steal and powerful artifact, effectively framing Matt in the process. Now, along with his vampire girlfriend Devona, the duo must find out who abducted him and stop them before they’re able to use the artifact to destroy Nekropolis.

Matt Richter is an incredibly fun character – a zombie with a will of his own and without a nasty penchant for brains. Waggoner creative world of vivid, monstrous creatures has endless possibility and plenty of imagination.

This is a sequel to Nekropolis, yet works well as a stand alone novel as well. As a zombie, Matt often finds himself (painlessly) deteriorating and needing patched up. But when Matt is decapitated, and loses his body, even more suspense and hilarity ensue. With just as much dark humor, adventure, mystery, and incredible characters, I enjoyed this installment even more than the last. It’s non-stop excitement from beginning to end. This series is a must read for fans of dark fantasy and horror.