Book Review: Labyrinth


Labyrinth, by Kat Richardson, is the 5th installment in the Greywalker series.

As soon as PI Harper Blaine returns home from her adventures in Europe, her home is attacked by a strange breed of vampires. But amidst a vampire power-struggle, Harper is also trying to free the ghost of her father and stop an ancient, evil being from taking over. She has discovered that her entire life (and deaths) has been orchestrated from the start – making her a living pawn. And it’s time to turn the tables.

Harper is a constant, yet evolving character – growing in insight and powers. She’s brave, sympathetic, kind, and completely likable. Though, I do have to say that I feel sorry for her boyfriends. They should sign a waiver, letting them know that just being with her is a detriment to their health. That goes for friends and neighbors too.

Richardson’s creation of the ghostly world of the Grey is completely unique and mystifying. Harper (and the readers by extension) is constantly learning new aspects of this fascinating world. And the overall puzzle is slowly being revealed. Though the mystery takes a backseat in this story, the suspense and fast-paced events more than make up for it. The fifth installment feels like a gradual build up to the eventual finale, ending in a huge cliffhanger. This one urban fantasy series that is not to be missed.

Labyrinth will release from Roc on August 3, 2010.

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