Wandering Hearts

When I received Wandering Hearts, by Donna J. Grisanti in the mail, I was immediately intimidated by the size of the book. But after the first few chapters, I had been pulled into the story.

At the end of the Great Depression, 18 year old Raine Foster changes her and her young cousin’s lives forever when she decides to fake their deaths and run away from an impending marriage to a cruel man. Throughout their journey, they come across many trials and hardships. And they meet many friendly faces as well as dangerous men. With little to no money, things seem hopeless, but help comes from the strangest places.

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Spider-Man: The Other

Evolve or Die!

Spider-Man: The Other is a compiled graphic novel of various Spider-Man titles (Amazing Spider-Man #525-528, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1-4, and Marvel Knights Spider-Man #19-22) and written by Peter David, Reginald Hudlin, J. Michael Straczynski, Pat Lee, Mike Wieringo, and Mike Deodato.

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Grave Peril

Grave Peril, by Jim Butcher, is the 3rd novel in the Dresden Files.

Professional Wizard Harry Dresden is at it again. This time, someone (or something) is after Harry and his friend and knight, Michael, and it begins attacking their friends and family. Harry has his list of usual suspects. But when he’s invited to a vampire ball, warning bells go off.

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