Staying Away from Staying Dead

Last week I stopped reading Staying Dead, by Laura Anne Gilman, halfway through the book. Not only was it extremely boring, but full of made-up magical terms with no explanations. So, I started reading Playing with Fire, by Gena Showalter. This book is a lot more fast-paced, and has a heroin with a sense of … Read more

Magic Street

Magic Street, by Orson Scott Card, just confirms what a brilliant writer he is.  I have read several series by Card: the Homecoming saga, Ender saga, and the Women of Genesis series.  So when I saw previews on Magic Street, I was excited to read it. In the acknowledgements at the end of the book, … Read more

Traitor to the Blood

Step into the magical world of the Noble Dead. Traitor to the Blood is the forth novel in the series by Barb and J.C. Hendee which follows the adventures of Magiere (a dhampir, half-human/half-vampire), Leesil (a half-human/half-elf), and their equally unique companions. In this story, former-assassin Leesil tries to track down his parents that he … Read more