13 Questions with Eric Brown

I reviewed Helix back in June, and recently had the opportunity to interview author Eric Brown!

Check back tomorrow for a giveaway of Helix!

Angela/SciFiChick: For those who haven’t read Helix yet, can you give us a brief synopsis?

Eric Brown: The Earth is failing ecologically and humanity must find another planet to colonise. The European Space Organisation sends a colony ship on a mission to find a suitable Earth-like planet. The ship crash-lands, on what the crew thinks is an uninhabitable, ice-bound planet. However, when the sun comes up, they find they’re on the lowest rung of a vast helix comprising of some ten thousand worlds. To survive they must trek up-spiral to find a clement world. On the way they meet all sorts of alien races, and attempt to discover who built the helix.

Angela: The setting, for the most part, is set on another world(s). Did you have a definite sense of what the Helix looked like when you wrote about it? Or did it reveal itself as you wrote?

EB: The former; it was the first thing that came to me. I was having dinner years ago at a friend’s place, and he had a lamp on the table with a kind of helical beading around a glass cowl. I thought at first it would make a neat space station. Later, it came to me that it would make an interesting planetary setting.

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Darrell Bain Interview

I recently conducted an interview with science fiction author Darrell Bain. He’s currently promoting his newest release, Savage Survival. So, we discussed his newest novel as well as some of his favorites…

Angela/SciFiChick: In your own words, tell us a bit about Savage Survival.

Darrell Bain: This is a story of survival, of an eleven year old girl, kidnapped along with millions of other humans by invulnerable aliens. It goes from her first horrifying experience after being thrown among undisciplined humans with no parents or guardian to help her, and on through a succession of terrible and harsh environments, where her only means of survival are her innate sense of honor, her bravery, and an unwavering belief in the goodness of most humans. It is a coming of age novel, describing her struggles to survive as she grows into a young woman, always wondering what the aliens have in mind for the few who will live through the cruel winnowing process. I love this heroine, Lyda Brightner. She is the epitome of a strong female character.

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