Currently Reading

I’ve started several books but haven’t finished anything lately. The Spy Who Loved Me, by Ian Fleming is a bit unlike his other Bond books, as this one is written from a woman’s perspective. I’m about halfway through this 172-page book, and so far it has just been Vivienne’s back-story – who she is and how she views men. So far, it has been masterfully written and engaging.
I found the book with the cover to the right at Half-Price Bookstore.

And similarly, I just received this rare gem, The Moneypenny Diaries, by Kate Westbrook. I’ll be starting this one as soon as I’ve finished The Spy Who Loved Me.

I also just received the newest Rogue Angel book, The Chosen, by Alex Archer (Victor Milan), a month early. Can’t wait to jump into this one too.

I saw Eragon this weekend. And though it’s not even on the same playing field as the book, it was still a fun movie. As I’ve been saying, it’s just a fast-forward version of the book. The story moved along almost too quickly. And a lot had to be left out to make the time frame. I think this should have been a much longer movie. But then, I didn’t have to front the money for the making of the film. It had a decent opening weekend, at least beating out Charlotte’s Web.

I’m looking forward to hearing what you all think of the movie and/or book as well.

7 thoughts on “Currently Reading”

  1. That’s an interesting idea for that Bond book. I am going to read them in the order he wrote them and I believe that is the 10th one. I ordered Live and Let Die from Barnes and Noble the other day since they had a one day only 25% off coupon.

    Saw Eragon over the weekend and have been debating whether to write a review or not. I think it was an entertaining film and I thought the dragon special effects…really everything about the dragon and its role…wonderful. The rest of the film was kind of odd. I had a really hard time during the first half of the film not noticing all the obvious ideas taken from other books and films. The second half was much better. I said even before the movie started that I thought it was going to be too short to do the story any justice and that is true. It should have been a good deal longer. I haven’t read the books but I could tell things were really getting rushed during the first half of the film. I think I’d give it 3 out of 5 stars. Unless there is an extended edition on DVD I can’t imagine wanting to see it again.

  2. I have a Borders Visa, so I’ll be using the gift certifactes that I earn to buy the rest of the Bond novels. I have quite a few of Gardner’s and Benson’s Bond books already.

    And yeah, I’m obviously not doing a real review for the Eragon movie.

  3. Wow. you just have a lot of good things to read right now! I love half-price books. They don’t have one here but once a month I drive to Dallas and they have on there. I spend way too much money there.

  4. I don’t think I’m going to see Eragon until I read the book. It’s next on my book shelf to be read and I hope to get to it next week when I’m off work.

    And on a selfish note, I hope I gett a gift card for the book store for Christmas. 🙂 I need more books!

  5. Katie – It’s very easy to spend a lot of money there. But I sell books back pretty often too. That lets me justify spending..

    Christine – Well, the movie will be at least slightly disappointing if you’ve read the book.. just a heads-up. But the special effects are amazing.

  6. Like Christine. No movie until book read. I have learned my mistake from Lord of the Rings. Speaking of books I saw you couldn’t read through a Heinlein. My Dad is a huge fan of Heinlein so I asked him a book full of action that he could recommend, he recommended the book you couldn’t get through “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.” I have read only 2 Heinlein, “Stranger in a Strange Land” and “Starship Troopers”, which is an example of read the book before the movie. The movie was so left field of the book Heinlein would have been rolling over in his grave. Heinlein also wrote a book about his travels around the world called “Tramp Royale” very hard book to find. It looks to be an intriguing read because all the places he visited sounds so interesting. Tramp Royale comes after Eragon though!

  7. Too funny.. yeah, I just couldn’t get into it. I struggled through half of it before giving up. I guess Heinlein’s not for every scifi lover! Guess he’s too obscure for me.

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