Received in August

The following are the books, movies, television shows, etc. I received last month for review and/or giveaways:

Fiewel and Friends:
Medici Heist by Caitlin Schneiderhan

Harper Books:
The Temptation of Magic by Megan Scott

Hyperion / Marvel:
Breaking the Dark: A Jessica Jones Marvel Crime Novel by Lisa Jewell

McElderry Books:
Ghostsmith by Nicki Pau Preto

The Witching Wind by Natalie Lloyd
When We Flew Away by Alice Hoffman
Witchlings: House of Elephants by Claribel A. Ortega

Titan Books:
Jekyll & Hyde: Consulting Detectives by Tim Major

Tor /
Unexploded Remnants by Elaine Gallagher
Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker