Stargate SG-1: Insurrection
by Sally Malcolm and Laura Harper
SG-1 faces a terrible choice. With the lines between friends and enemies blurring, the team must choose where their loyalties lie—and how much they’re willing to risk to save their world.
While Dr Daniel Jackson and Teal’c return to the refugee colony on Arbella, in search of allies in the coming battle for Earth, Colonel O’Neill and Major Carter discover a piece of Ancient technology that could change the future—and the past. But if using the device results in their own extinction, do they have the right to sacrifice their new friends to save a world they’ll never know?
SG-1 is stuck in a horrific future where Earth has been taken by the Wraith. As Carter searches for a way to change the past, Daniel and Teal’c become involved in a power struggle on Arbella.
Insurrection is the final installment in the Apocalypse trilogy. Carter and O’Neill make a dangerous alliance in order to rid the Earth of the Wraith. With a great of suspense and intrigue – this exciting trilogy comes to a surprising conclusion. (Mild spoilers ahead:) I was bothered a bit how the time travel aspect was handled. Instead of trying to go home to their time, Carter tries to fix what happened in the past – which sets them into an alternate timeline. Though, I can see that the authors may have wanted to show what happens in this future they’ve created rather than just resetting it. I thoroughly enjoyed the Wraith characters as well as the engaging plot twists along the way. As a huge fan of the series, this was a fun and fast-paced trilogy that makes me want to read more from the expanded series.