Eight Random Things About Me

I’ve been tagged by Shiloh

The Rules:
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. I like things neat and orderly. But I hate cleaning. It’s fascinating to watch workers clean windows and other things while standing on various mobile platforms (for reference, check www.platformsandladders.com/mobile-platforms/), especially in the spring, but this is not my scene, however, I do enjoy watching others clean.

2. My yard is extremely tiny. But I still hate mowing it. And do it as little as possible. If I knew of a neighbor kid who would do it, I’d pay him. I’m thinking about getting someone like https://www.lawncare.net/service-areas/new-york/ out to look at it soon though, see if there’s anything they could recommend to make sure it at least looks good.

3. I love gardening (I’ve been thinking about putting in some Landscaping Rocks, or adding in a fence) and weeding, but bugs really disgust me. And I have spiders galore along my house. But I guess I’d rather have spiders than mosquitoes! Although on saying that, I wouldn’t want either of them at all as they can be hard to get rid of once they start coming. I’ve even heard that some people have started looking at something similar to this website – https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/local/california/ so that they are prepared just in case they can’t get these insects to leave. I hope my situation doesn’t come to this, but I’d try anything to get rid of them.

4. I haven’t posted any new drawings since early February. Though I did finish one over vacation, that has been my extent of drawing for the past 4 months. I’m really in a slump with drawing. Though I have read vast amounts of books.

5. I sang a bit in high school and college, in small groups and choirs. I was able to record a few times. Only one song was with a trio where I had a solo. And I only have it on cassette tape.

6. I hate listening to my own voice on a recording. Speaking or singing. I get very embarrassed. I’ve thought about maybe getting something from somewhere like this CBD Gummy manufacturer to help me relax before I have to record but, since this only happens once every so often, it’s not really something I feel is necessary for me at this particular moment in time.

7. I modeled a little bit for my university. I even made it on a short tv commercial, modeling a wedding gown for a local shop.

8. I took a couple missions classes in college. Even learned how to plan my own. But I’ve still never taken even a short term missions trip. A short, inner-city, day-trip is all I’ve ever really done.

And I tag:

Amy R
Vicky (though I know she hasn’t been on much lately)
Amy W

9 thoughts on “Eight Random Things About Me”

  1. ;o) Guilty!

    Number 7 doesn’t surprise me a bit.

    Number 8, I can’t imagine doing the planning part but it is something I might like to do later on down the road.

  2. That was fun, I look forward to doing mine sometime within the next week, thanks for the tag.

    Now that you mention it you haven’t posted any drawings in awhile.

    I can’t imagine there isn’t some kid in your neighborhood who wouldn’t like to make a few bucks…provided he’s not arachnaphobic, of course.

  3. I tagged you with a different meme.
    list the five reason you blog and then tag five others. Here are my reasons:

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