Book Review: Plague

Plague, by Michael Grant

Following the events in Lies, Astrid begins to think that her little brother Pete may be responsible for the FAYZ. He is certainly connected somehow. Drake and Brittany are now one creature, sharing a body and held in captivity. But unbeknownst to Brittany, Drake will try to escape. Meanwhile, two plagues are attacking the kids of the FAYZ, a new super-flu and an infection of flesh-eating parasites. Friends and enemies must all join forces to battle the parasitic bugs just to survive.

Fourth novel in the Gone series, Plague once again brings new dangers and obstacles for the kids of the FAYZ. As if they didn’t have enough problems just with politics, personal interactions, jealousies, and vendettas. Several of the kids go through some big changes just within this story. There were no major revelations or answers in this installment, yet steps were laid for the end game. This series is incredibly riveting, full of fascinating characters, unforeseeable dangers, and gut-wrenching horror. Fast-paced excitement, suspense, and angst made this another thrilling episode in an exceptional young adult series.

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