I can’t believe that tomorrow will be my last full day of vacation here in sunny California. Time has flown by. I’ve been much busier than I thought I’d be. Saying that though, there were a few things that I didn’t get to do like go san diego whale watching or visit some sights, but I know that if I ever have the chance to visit California again, they will be things I would love to tick off my bucket list. A friend of mine had such an amazing time when she went whale watching in San Diego so it was a shame that I did not have time to see any of the marine life during my trip this time around. Needless to say, next time I visit San Diego, a grey whale watching excursion will be at the very top of my agenda! Also, during this trip, I’ve only read 3 and a half books. And 2 of those were on the flight out here. Maybe for my next whale watching experience, I’ll go further afield to see what other sea life is out there, a friend recently went to Hawaii and recommended checking out Kai Kanani to book a whale watching adventure, so that can go on the long vacation list!
Things You Never New Existed
Have you ever checked out the site thingsyouneverknew.com? I’ve been wasting some time looking at fun stuff on there. And seeing some gems like this set of books to the right. They’re supposedly motion-censored, so that when someone walks by, the middle book slides out and looks like it will fall. Pointless? Yes. But it … Read more