I’ve started several books but haven’t finished anything lately. The Spy Who Loved Me, by Ian Fleming is a bit unlike his other Bond books, as this one is written from a woman’s perspective. I’m about halfway through this 172-page book, and so far it has just been Vivienne’s back-story – who she is and how she views men. So far, it has been masterfully written and engaging.
I found the book with the cover to the right at Half-Price Bookstore.
2006 G.I.F.T. Challenge
Carl has issued a 2006 G.I.F.T. Challenge.
My choices to review will be:
1. Santa Claus 3: The Escape Clause
2. The Holiday
3. The Christmas Candle by Max Lucado
4. Christmas Letters by Bret Nicholaus
And probably a few othersàâ‚
And on the subject of Christmas, quite a few blogs have been doing a Christmas Tag. Itàâ‚ â„ s been fun to read everyoneàâ‚ â„ s answers.
Christmas Meme:
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Both, though a little Egg Nog goes a long way.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?
His elves wrap them. He knows how to delegate.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
White. Looks much classier. However, I also tend to prefer colored neon signs like the customized ones that can be purchased from websites similar to www.neonfilter.com as a centerpiece in the living room rather than the usual colored lights.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
I would, but thereàâ‚ â„ s no point this year. Unless I meet someone pretty fast!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Well, I’m heading to Georgia early Thursday morning with some family for the weekend. I’ll be back on to posting on Monday… with a few book reviews, I imagine. (And hopefully, another addition to the gallery.) I’ve been lax with drawing lately. Apologies to Colleen! I’m hoping I … Read more