Up there with Indy 4 and Prince Caspian, Iron Man was one of the top movies I was looking forward to this summer. And thankfully, I was not disappointed. In fact, just about every aspect of the movie impressed me. As I expected, Robert Downey Jr. captured Tony Stark better than anyone else could have. The wit, charm, and intensity he brought to the character incorporated everything essential about the billionaire industrialist. He’s a playboy, eccentric genius, with a drinking problem. But when Stark discovers that his own company’s weapons are being used by terrorists, he decides to live a life of purpose and make some big changes.
Movie Reviews
Star Wars According To a 3 Year Old
Saw this over at Forever Geek. I have a feeling that my parents would say this reminds them of certain blonde kid about 28 years ago…
The Incredible Hulk Trailer
Well, it can’t be any worse than the last Hulk movie…