The Invasion

When a shuttle falls to earth, mysterious spores are found in the wreckage. And those exposed to the alien substance begin displaying strange, emotionless behavior. Soon Carol Bennell (Nicole Kidman) becomes sucked into a nightmare where no one is who they seem to be. Her friend and colleague Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig) helps Carol discover … Read more

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The Magic Is Back!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is top notch suspense, action, drama, heartache, laughter, and teenage angst. With each sequel darker than the next, the intensity grows as Voldemort gathers his forces. In this installment, Harry is still trying to recover from watching his friend Cedric murdered by Voldemort. But the wizard community at large does not want to believe that you-know-who is back. When Harry and his cousin are attacked by Dementors, Harry has no choice but to use magic (illegally) in front of his muggle cousin to rid of the wraith-like creatures. As if Harry’s life couldn’t get any worse, Dumbledore seems to be avoiding him, a new professor has made it her ambition to reform the school making Harry her enemy, and Hagrid is missing.

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