Science Fiction Books: Top 100

I have compiled a list of Amazon’s current 100 best-selling Science Fiction novels in print. There are a variety of subgenres listed: classics, alternative history, romance, military scifi, time travel, alien invasions, historical fiction, fantasy books, graphic novels, space operas, hard science fiction, horror, and more. Yes, “fantasy” is lumped under “science fiction” on Amazon. … Read more

SciFiChick’s Best of 2017

Only 109 books read this year. I was slacking! I’m also a month behind on compiling this list! But here is the list of my favorite books that I read that were published in 2017: SciFi Star Wars: Battlefront II: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden Reviewed here. Star Trek: Discovery: Desperate Hours by David Mack … Read more

SciFiChick’s Best of 2016

I read a total of 132 books this year, much less than years past. However, I was also a lot busier. Here’s the list of my favorite SciFi/Fantasy titles (published in 2016) that I read and reviewed. Science Fiction: Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot: To Preserve by Mickey Zucker Reichert Reviewed here: The Last One … Read more