Fun Links

Lifetime finally has more content up on their website for Blood Ties premiering March 11th.

The official website of Ian Fleming Publications Limited… and all things James Bond.
I’m currently reading a young James Bond novel, Young Bond: Silverfin – Book #1 And young Bond has his own fun website, with clues to find.

The latest news from Eos Books, publishers of fantasy and scifi.

Get the latest on SciFi TV.

And a reminder that the Gold Eagle Books Blog is collecting questions for their authors for an upcoming Q&A.

Feeling frustrated? Smash your computer to pieces! My friend just bought this for her husband.

The upcoming TMNT has a fun website to browse, with more stuff coming soon.

6 thoughts on “Fun Links”

  1. I love the screensaver smasher! 🙂 But I think it would be even better if you had an old laptop or computer that you could throw against the wall! Now that’s theraputic! 😉

  2. I don’t know how I feel about a “young Bond” I’m too much in love with the new, older version. Casino Royale had me dreaming for weeks after.

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