Jeff Hawke: Overlord

Jeff Hawke: Overlord, by Willie Patterson and Sydney Jordan, is a collection of Jeff Hawke stories in graphic novel form.

Author Willie Patterson weaves four amusing tales of space adventures: Overlord, Survival, The Wondrous Lamp, and Counsel for the Defense. My favorite by far was The Wondrous Lamp, where aliens try to invade Earth but are about the size of ants.

Each story is wonderfully humorous and suspenseful. And Sydney Jordan illustrates the characters in all their black and white glory. With original, unique aliens and a traditional pulp feel, Jeff Hawke is classic science fiction at its best.

Witty and clever, these stories will entertain any science fiction fan.

Check out more on Jeff Hawke: Overlord at Titan Books:

1 thought on “Jeff Hawke: Overlord”

  1. This is SO right up my alley. I LOVE 50’s style scifi and I get a BIG kick out of it whenever Iget a chance to see those old Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers movie serials (you konw the ones with the spaceships on strings and the sparklers for exhaust) from the 30’s and 40’s. So I’ll definitely have to pick up a copy of this. 🙂

    Dee – GAAK writer dude

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