Shadow of Betrayal

Shadow of Betrayal

Shadow of Betrayal, by Brett Battles, is the third in his Jonathan Quinn series.

Jonathan Quinn is a professional, contract “cleaner” making bodies disappear and covering tracks. When a simple job gets out of hand, Quinn and his apprentice Nate begin to uncover a vast conspiracy. But when Quinn is targeted for a crime he didn’t commit, things get personal.

Following events in the previous books The Cleaner and The Deceived, Quinn must deal with the consequences of making a decision that cost his apprentice his leg. And with Orlando back in his life, Quinn’s character is growing and changing from who he was in the earlier installments. With loose ends being tied up from previous books, it is helpful to read them in sequential order. In fact, I wish I had read them closer together, as I had forgotten a lot over the past year because of the number of book that I read. But the main characters are hard to forget.

This latest novel also revolves around Marion, a UN worker who mysteriously flees Africa with a young child. We are kept in the dark until the very end, why this ominous group is after Marion and the girl she is trying to protect. With just as much suspense and intensity as Battles’ previous novels, Shadow of Betrayal is another exciting and fun thriller. Don’t miss this series.

Shadow of Betrayal releases July 7th from Delacorte Press.