42 Is the Answer

We all know that 42 is THE ANSWER to Ultimate Question of Life. Or at least, those of us who have read or watching Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
But here are 13 questions that 42 is also the answer to:

1. How many teeth do wolves and dogs (canines) have?

2. The planet Uranus’ north and south poles face the sun how many years before switching?

3. How many lines are there on each page of the Gutenberg Bible, the first and oldest surviving book printed with movable type?

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Once Upon a Time

Carl has released his new challenge: Once Upon a Time. This challenge is on reading from the fantasy genre. He gives four optional quests, all pertaining to reading of these categories: Mythology, Folklore, Fairytale, and Fantasy. Some books, of course, could fall into more than one of those categories.

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Song Tag

The meme I’ve been tagged for, by Ron says to post 7 songs that you are currently into and tag 7 others. Those who want to play can consider themselves tagged. I know, I’m lazy.

1. You Know My Name, by Chris Cornell from Casino Royale titles. – I’ll give you three guesses, and the first two don’t count. I’m only upset that the movie soundtrack doesn’t have this song on it.

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