Taken from http://bookfoolery.blogspot.com/, because though I’ve been reading a couple books, I don’t really have anything to talk about yet:
1. One book that changed your life?
The Bible.
I can’t say any other book will even come close.   ÂÂ
2. One book you have read more than once?ÂÂ
The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. I love re-reading these classics every couple years. ÂÂ
3. One book you would want on a desert island?ÂÂ
Since I’ve already said the Bible once, I’ll go with something else. Probably the Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas. It’s my favorite book. And it’s long, so I wouldn’t get as bored reading it.
4. One book that made you cry?ÂÂ
The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks. I believe I cried through that whole book.
5. One book that made you laugh?   ÂÂ
Carpe Demon : Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom, by Julie Kenner. It’s a very fun and witty book. And the follow-up: California Demon: The Secret Life of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom.
6. One book you wish had been written?  ÂÂ
 More original Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis novels. I can’t get enough of those shows. I’m hoping novels catch on as well as they do in the Star Trek ‘verse.
 7. One book you wish hadn’t been written?  Just one? I’ll go with every book by Laurell K. Hamilton, past the first few in her series. Ick. Ok, so I couldn’t settle for one.
8. One book you are currently reading?ÂÂ
Everybody Comes to the Nightside (Agents of Light and Darkness), by Simon R. Green.
Staying Dead, by Laura Anne Gilman.
9. One book you’ve been meaning to read?ÂÂ
How Now Shall We Live? By Chuck Colson… it’s taking me a lot longer to get through it simply because of the length. It’s great, but I have to take breaks.ÂÂ
Just saw your comment on the Buck’s blog and wanted to say “Hey!” Jim has spent the last year working with your dad in Financial aid, and I have thought about you and wondered what you were up to. I will check back to keep up onthings now. :o) (Our blog is http://www.womackfamily.blogspot.com in case you want to check it out.)
Also, Jim and I LOVE Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. We tape it every week and watch it after the kids go to bed!
Omigosh! Monte Cristo is one of your favorite books! How cool.
Thanks for coming by my blog today! I did that book meme awhile ago myself. It’s nice to hear what other people say about books that affected them.
You wouldn’t have to say ‘the Bible’ for the desert island question anyway, the Gideons would already have one there waiting for you!
Tori is reading A Horse and His Boy now and wants me to start reading the rest of the Narnia books to her after that.
I love that you put the Bible; it changed my life, too. I also love the Narnia series, which my mother began reading to me when I was five. C.S. Lewis is so incrediable. Have you read The Screwtape Letters? Thanks for visiting my blog today, it’s nice to ‘meet’ you.
Silly Carl, about the Gideons. Are you a bit disdainful? My son loved The Horse and His Boy best in all of Narnia, but I prefer The Magician’s Nephew.
Jaena, glad you found me! I’ll be keeping up with your blog as well.
Colleen, yeah.. I see that you’re currently reading it in order to write your version. Hope you love it too.
Carl, how true.. as long as there’s a nightstand to put it in.
Belleza, yes.. I read The Screwtape letters back in Jr High, I believe. I remember it was good.. I should re-read it, since I still have it in my collection. And that was a while ago..
Nice to meet you too!
Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I really enjoyed the Dhampir book and plan on reading the sequel(s). Your blog wasn’t getting updated (was a while ago) hence I dropped the link but I’ll relink it again.
I’m not sure that I can answer your book meme – I still need to find that “Idiot’s Guide To Life” which should surely have some sort of profound affect on me! As for getting me back on track reading fantasy fiction (not counting the reading of ‘The Hobbit’ at school), it’s got to be ‘Ogre Ogre’ by Piers Anthony.
I’m really loving Monte Cristo, SciFiChick. I almost can’t put it down, but I have to to get other work done.
And as for Narnia, I think my favorite is The Silver Chair, although I really liked The Magician’s Nephew because of the Creation metaphor.
No, not disdainful at all. The Bible changed my life as well. I just can’t often resist the urge to be funny. (Of course ‘funny’ is in the eye of the beholder, right?)
Carl, what an apropos response “in the eye of the beholder.” The urge to be funny shouldn’t be resisted, anyway, in my opinion.
Wow, great answers!! Thanks for doing the meme and sorry it took me so long to hop over here.
The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my all-time favorites, too, and I love C.S. Lewis (particularly The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity). The Bible almost made it on my desert island answer, but I decided it wouldn’t help me forage for berries. 🙂 It’s definitely a life-changing book, though. It’s always cool to find a blogger who has some favorites in common; I loved reading yours!!