Chuck’s Secret

NBC’s new geek-spy comedy, Chuck, isn’t coming till this fall, but we can get clues for the new show online now…

Check out It puts users in the role of a secret agent who has hacked into Chuck Bartowski’s laptop. Why are the CIA and NSA interested in a 20-something tech support nerd? Check out the site for some clues. It’s brand new, some some of the stuff is still “coming soon”; that’ll be rolling out in the coming weeks.

Also, NBC has launched the official site for the show, here:, for videos, photos, wallpapers, etc.

Starring Zachary Levi and Serenity’s Adam Baldwin, this is the premier I’m looking most forward to this fall.

And thanks to Shankar for the heads up!

1 thought on “Chuck’s Secret”

  1. Hi Sci Fi Chick!

    Even before we roll out the “coming soon” content, “Chuck” is adding new content to his digg,, etc profiles. I’m told that he updates (hints?) several times a week.

    We’ll let you know when the other content launches too!

    Thanks for your enthusiasm!!

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