Blu-Ray Review: J. Edgar

J. Edgar Official Synopsis: During his lifetime, J. Edgar Hoover would rise to be the most powerful man in America. As head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for nearly 50 years, he would stop at nothing to protect his country. Through eight presidents and three wars, Hoover waged battle against threats both real and … Read more

Black Howl Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Christina Henry stops by today to talk about her latest book on her Black Howl Blog Tour!

Can you tell us a bit about Black Howl and where we are in Madeline Black’s story?

In BLACK HOWL, Maddy’s got problems on top of problems, as usual. There are ghosts popping up all over Chicago whose deaths have not been foreseen by the Agency prophets. This means that these deaths are outside of the natural order, and it’s up to Maddy to find out who’s behind it all.

Of course, Maddy’s love life hasn’t gotten any easier either. Gabriel is now her thrall, and their happily ever after looks like it’s more out of reach than ever.

Urban fantasy/paranormal novels are popular and widespread right now. What different about the Black Wings series that sets it apart from the others?

The genre has just exploded in the last few years, and it’s amazing for fans of the paranormal. It means there’s something out there for pretty much everyone. I think BLACK WINGS and its sequels are a little bit different because the books are a real mash-up of genres – there’s action, comedy, romance, more action! Plus, while there are more books featuring angels than there were when I first wrote BLACK WINGS, angels remain a fairly small subset of the overall genre.

How many books do you have planned for the Black Wings series?

Right now there are at least six books planned for the series. After that, we will see how much more story there is to tell.

What’s next for you, after Black Howl? Any other stories on the horizon?

I do have an idea for a stand-alone novel and another series, but they are both in the planning stage. I’ve got two books in the BLACK WINGS series scheduled for this year and I’m not sure I’ll have time to do much else!

Tell us a bit about yourself and your experience in writing.

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John Carter Fan Trailer Blows Away Official One

Here’s the trailer that “should have been” for John Carter. This fan-made trailer is extremely well-executed and puts the “Official” trailers to shame. Going by the official trailers, no one would know anything ABOUT the movie, let alone that it’s based on the classic novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs. If this fan-trailer can circulate enough, … Read more