Measure of a Man

The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography, by Sidney Poitier is a wonderful look at his life over the years. Coming from poverty, Poitier became one of the most well-known and well-loved actors in the world.

Poitier describes his early years and family life, and how that helped to shape him into the man he is. His father told him that they measure of a man is how he provides for his family. When Poitier came to America and decided to pursue his dream of acting, he had to go through a lot of racism and persecution. Even from those he worked with. He details how he dealt with it and how his upbringing affected his outlook. Poitier had tremendous integrity when choosing his roles and didn’t compromise his values.

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The Rest Falls Away

Probably the last in the blogverse to read Colleen Gleason’s The Rest Falls Away, I’ve heard many rave reviews. And it certainly held up to the hype.

Victoria is a direct descendant of the Gardella vampire hunters, called Venators. There haven’t been many women Venators, but she willingly accepts her destiny as the next in line. But living a double life isn’t easy, a lady of the ton by day and vampire hunter by night. Dealing with suitors while trying to hide her secrets, Victoria soon finds herself in way over her head.

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Fool Moon

Fool Moon, by Jim Butcher is the second book in The Dresden Files.

With werewolves around every corner, Harry needs to track down the killer (or killers) of numerous bloody slayings that are happening every full moon. As before, there seems to be more than one person who wants Harry dead. And when tempted with dark magic, Dresden it may be too much for him to deny.

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