1. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/generic/9722 – Every Trek fan needs one of these shirts.
2. http://www.vuze.com/channel/sanctuary – Stargate actors star in new web series.
1. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/generic/9722 – Every Trek fan needs one of these shirts.
2. http://www.vuze.com/channel/sanctuary – Stargate actors star in new web series.
I’ve shared 13 Things I’ve Learned from Watching Star Wars , 13 Things I’ve Learned from Watching Battlestar Galactica, and 13 Things I Learned From Watching Quantum Leap in the past. Here are 13 Things I Learned From Watching Star Trek:
1. No one stays dead forever. Unfortunately.
2. Don’t ever wear a red shirt on an away mission.
3. Tribbles are the perfect pet. No head, no rear end, and no waste. Low maintenance. That’s my kind of pet.
It’s Thursday again, and I didn’t have time to pull together a decent TT this week. But I’ve had a lot of fun compiling over 35 lists so far. So, here are 13 of my favorite TT lists from the past:
2. 13 Things I Learned From Watching Star Wars