Tag: The Name Game

Tag: The name game
Crystal tagged me for this Name Game:


2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first three letters of your name, plus izzle)
Angizzle. Yo.

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three of your last)
Asch. Sounds like someone’s about to sneeze.

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SciFi Book Meme

Another meme taken from Carl :

Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror?
Science Fiction. I know you never would have guessed. Though I do love a lot of fantasy series as well.

Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback?
Hardbacks, only if I plan on keeping the book or rereading it several times. Otherwise, I’d rather not spend the money. I usually go with mass market, cheaper and smaller (to fit in the purse).

Heinlein or Asimov?
Asimov. The one Heinlein novel I tried reading, didn’t go so well. But I’ve enjoyed the few works of Asimov that I’ve read.

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Letter Meme

Dolce Bellezza passed along a fun meme. The idea is to be given a letter, hers was “D”, and then post ten things you like beginning with that letter. At the end of the post, she said she would give interested readers a letter of their own. I landed the letter “S”.

So, here are 10 things beginning with the letter S that I like:

1. Science Fiction – Hence, my moniker. It all started when I saw Star Wars for the first time when I was only 2 years old. If my parents only knew…
2. Sketching – Otherwise, I would have never majored in Art in college. I’ve always loved drawing. But in 6th grade, I drew my first portrait. It was of Spock out of a TV Guide. And I realized it wasn’t half bad. Thus, began my love of drawing faces. All because of Star Trek!

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