Seeing Any Good Movies This Weekend?

This weekend or next, I plan on watching The Last Mimzy and TMNT. Even if I have to go by myself.

There’s quite a few new movies out this weekend.
And a few scifi and horror options.
Which are you wanting to see?

The Last Mimzy
The Hills Have Eyes 2
Dead Silence
Reign Over Me

The Last Mimzy trailer below:

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13 of SciFiChick’s Favorite SciFi Novels

Here it is. I never agree with any of the “definitive lists” out there. So this is simply a list of those that are near and dear. And since it’s Thursday Thirteen, I’m listing just that strange number. This may be one of my last 13’s, as I’d rather do Top Tens.

Feel free to post some of your own top picks.
And wow, for once, there aren’t any fantasy books in a list of science fiction novels.

1. Area 51 series, by Robert Doherty – How much do I love this series? It has to be number one. I’m disappointed that Doherty seems to have stopped writing them. They read like you’re watching a movie, plenty of suspense and colorful descriptions.

2. The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells – I have a large book of Wells’ greatest stories. This one has to be my favorite, followed closely by The Invisible Man, War of the Worlds, and The Island of Doctor Moreau.

3. Out of the Silent Planet (and the rest of the Space Trilogy), by C.S. Lewis – I love this series almost as much as his Narnia books, which top my list of top fantasy picks.

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